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big wins

  • Key-Main Insurance Policy Litigation

    As trial counsel in this two-week trial in Jefferson County Circuit Court, Battle & Winn lawyers worked with out-of-state counsel to win a $11.4 million jury verdict for our client. This complex insurance coverage case was decided by an Alabama jury applying California law to determine the insurance company wrongfully denied key-main insurance policy benefits to a company after the untimely death of its founder and CEO.

  • Anti-Kickback Statue Litigation

    Our whistleblower client alleged a toxicology lab paid kickbacks to marketing companies that arranged for doctors to refer toxicology lab tests to them. Days before trial, the defendants settled for a combined $6.6 million. The Anti-Kickback Statute makes it illegal to provide kickbacks in exchange for referring or arranging the referral of services paid for by Medicare and Medicaid. The United States did not intervene in the case, but cooperated with whistleblower’s counsel throughout the litigation.

  • Summary Judgment for a Plaintiff in a Non-Compete Case

    Battle & Winn represented a business plaintiff in a case where a former employee violated a non-compete clause. We won at summary judgment based on a no-financing provision. We also defeated motions for summary judgment filed by the other side on their counterclaims and resolved the case shortly before trial. 

  • Confidential Settlements

    Sometimes our clients’ best interests are served by settling cases where they agree to keep the terms confidential. Business and individual clients call Battle & Winn when they need lawyers who will fight hard, get a great result, and not worry about whether they get to put their six-figure or multi-million dollar results on a billboard. 

  • Import Duty Fraud Litigation

    Our whistleblowers said the defendants fraudulently underpaid customs duties on products they imported from China to sell here. The United States intervened in this case, which resulted in a six-figure settlement. Our whistleblowers received a relator’s share, which gives whistleblowers a share of the recovery if they file credible cases and protects whistleblowers who have been threatened, harassed, or discriminated against. We won an award of attorney’s fees from the court after our opposing counsel conceded Battle & Winn lawyers “are exceptionally capable and well-respected attorneys in this judicial district” and “due to be paid for their work.” 

  • Complex Business Litigation

    Battle & Winn lawyers defended the owners of a senior living business against claims by their former business partner, and filed counterclaims for our clients. Because of our litigation strategy, our clients were able to resolve this case through mediation and a buyout of the other party’s interest. 

  • Business Fraud Litigation

    Our client was defrauded by a former business partner. We sued, and proved to the court that our client was a victim of the misrepresentation, fraud, fraudulent suppression, and unjust enrichment committed by her former business partner. We won a $1.4 million judgment against the other side.

  • Local Counsel in False Claims Act Case

    A whistleblower disclosed misrepresentations about the safety of a prescription drug and kickbacks the big pharma company paid to market it. As local counsel to an out-of-state law firm, Battle & Winn lawyers worked with the local U.S. Attorney’s Office to obtain an order that ensured this case was in the right court. This case later settled for $90 million.

  • Defamation Litigation

    A former business partner sued our client and made false allegations. We got their case dismissed and then we went on offense. We filed claims against our client’s accusers. Before we took a single deposition, our client won a settlement with monetary relief and a retraction to restore our client’s professional and personal reputation. 

  • Jury Verdict in Trucking Litigation

    We defended a carrier and driver in a truck wreck case. We won summary judgment for the driver, and after a multi-day trial we won the case in front of the jury for the carrier. 

  • Verdicts in Complex Economic Development Litigation Case

    Battle & Winn represented an investment banking firm and a law firm against an Alabama county in litigation over multi-million-dollar economic development incentive packages. In the one-week trial for the investment banking firm, we won a jury verdict of more than $380,500. In the one-week trial for the law firm, we won a verdict of approximately $340,000. We litigated these cases through post-trial motions and appeals, and won at every step. 

  • Summary Judgment Against Wrongful Death Claims

    As defense counsel, Battle & Winn beat claims of wrongful death caused by our client where the plaintiff made a $5 million demand. We removed the case from state court to federal court then conducted rigorous fact and expert discovery. We were able to get the plaintiff’s expert witness excluded and won our client’s case at summary judgment.

  • Complex Business and Breach of Contract Litigation

    Our client suffered millions of dollars in losses because of the misconduct of its accountants, so we sued on its behalf. We proved the defendants did not meet the standard of care and breached their contract with our client. We entered into a confidential settlement agreement.

  • Complex Insurance Coverage Matter for Business Executive

    We represented a business executive who was accused of misconduct and denied coverage under his company’s insurance policy. We navigated a complex series of cases that included both civil and criminal investigations, as well as multiple parties on each side of every matter. We were able to obtain coverage for our client under the policy.

  • Insurance Coverage Litigation for Damaged Lab Equipment

    Our client owned multi-million-dollar mass spectrometers that a contractor damaged, but the insurance company denied our client’s claim. Through rigorous litigation in Federal court in Pennsylvania, we reached a mediated settlement for our client.

  • Individual Insurance Coverage Litigation against a Bankruptcy Trustee

    A bankruptcy trustee sued our client who was a director of his company. After litigating this multi-party case through numerous proceedings and discovery, we reached a mediated settlement agreement that ensured our client received coverage under his directors and officers insurance policy.

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